Be Kind Solutions' new soap burner is made from a recycled oil furnace burner. Carl got a used one from John Foy at All Seasons Heating and Air. BINGO! John put a new burner nozzle on it and a few other parts. John was kind enough to just charge us for the parts--$25.00. Thanks John.
Next step is getting a bigger soap tank. Shopped for used ones on Craig's List, Ebay, and equipment manufacturers. Family friend Rick Pate of Green Creek and Chemway let the dogs out to sniff one up for me. Found one with 4,000 gallon capacity--not there yet. Whew! Pretty expensive, even the small ones. We knew there had to be a steel tank somewhere that we could recycle and re-purpose.
Bob Russell--my biodiesel mentor, our diesel mechanic mentor, our organic blueberry and raspberry supplier--suggested we check out the Russel Diesel Shop collection of "dead" tractor trailers long since put to rest. We drove our '81 Chevy Luv Diesel on over and found several steel tanks that might work. BINGO!
We loaded up our recycled and re-purposed steel 160 gallon diesel fuel gas tank, which came off a diesel dump truck. Our good friends The Dark Corner Hyder brothers gave us their suggestions on the best way to make my new soap cooker. Carl "studied" on it for a while, and today he took it over into the Dark Corners for some welding and remodeling. Casey, Dink Hyder's son-in-law, who's getting pretty close to living off the grid, is handier than Carl is with a welder.

Casey and Mindy are very industrious. They installed and use a wood burner that heats their house and water. Pipes are buried and carry temperature controlled heat into their house. It doesn't burn much wood, as it is choked way down.

Mindy and Casey don't sit down much, as their two daughters keep them busy. Plus, they are on the lookout for sustainable ways to live. They have just started a new batch of dibs so they can continue getting their fresh eggs.

to Casey. He has just built his own processor
and made several "perfect" batches. Just like us
he and Mindy realize making biofuel is a lifestyle--getting dirty, being outside in cold weather, and ALWAYS
tweaking the system. Like the rest of the Hyders, these two industrious people built their own home. Add the chickens, cutting firewood, making biofuel, bear hunting--plus Mindy is a RN at Spartanburg Regional and Casey works with Hyder Farms--no body is just chillin' in this household.
Casey gets to work on the WARHORSE soap cooker.

As you can see, once Casey got finished with the basics, he got a little creative and put the WARHORSE on my soap cooker--permanently. Mindy drew him on with chalk and BINGO! I owe Casey and his wife Mindy A LOT of my WARHORSE and glycerin body soaps. I'll be making a Dark Corner delivery soon! Thanks to both of you. Sit down and rest a spell. You deserve it.

Once Carl brought the WARHORSE soap cooker home, he still had to weld a motor on top with an agitator to keep the glycerin and soaps moving during the refining and cooking stages.
As soon as Carl got the WARHORSE out of the back of the truck, I checked it out and decided to remove the last bit of gum from the inside.
I really like the new tank--my labor should go down, and my capacity increase. The ball lever valve on the bottom will be soooo much easier than hand bailing out the soap. Whew, one thing down and another to tackle. "Hey Carl, I think I need a bigger distiller." I better give it a rest.
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