Friday, July 6, 2012

Warhorse Moves Into a Gated Community

Can't give away our location...already seen some other squatters besides us...we call it Mosquito Flatts
As soon as we got here, started working...
Proving to Savannah that WARHORSE works and no coughing from fumes inside the truck cab.  It's so easy even a Q-Tip can do it--sorry Geico caveman.

Talk about historic downtown traffic?  That barge is churning along the Savannah River.  Hope we're exporting to China.  Maybe the WARHORSE visits Asia?
These WARHORSEs are working.  Glad they're getting a 20 minute break.

Spooky moon over City Market.  We're hoping to see some Savannah ghosts.  While I was taking this picture I felt a cold spot and like someone tried to push me.  Maybe it was someone from the "Cha Cha Slide" sweaty line dancing that was going on behind me in front of the Gelat-ohhhh store.  Is that an orb on the left bottom corner of this pic?

It's not all hard work. We took 20 minutes off to celebrate the 4th of July.  Even the city was sardinned with over 60,000 people, Kim still had personal space and met some kind Savannah folk. Seriously, polite and friendly people are everywhere down here.  Makes us feel like we're in Polk.

Livin in our gated community and eatin' fine food. Look at this Caprese salad and Kim's mom's homemade Italian spaghetti sauce. In 20 minutes this table will turn back into Kim's bed.

Loki is chillin' after she made a few rounds inside our gated community. We give her 20 minutes and she'll be snoring.

Well, it's been a long day, but relaxin' on my temporary-Savannah-front porch steps makes me feel like I'm back in Polk sitting in my front porch swing. Where's that spooky moon?

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